

Primary Benefits of MochaTonix®:
  • Promotes cognitive health
  • Promotes mental focus and memory
  • Promotes mental alertness
  • Helps heighten energy and endurance
  • Helps to alleviate occasional fatigue
  • Helps to improve physical and mental performance
  • Promotes thermogenesis and lipolysis
  • Supports weight loss and control

Frequently Asked Questions About MochaTonix®:*

What is MochaTonix and what will it do for me?
MochaTonix is a nutritionally balanced drink, using Advantra Z to provide you with a pleasant burst of energy, increase your body's metabolism and heighten your energy, alertness and endurance levels. MochaTonix delivers essential nutrients to the brain to aid in the synthesis of noradrenalin, an important neurotransmitter, so you can feel more alert, concentrate better and think more clearly. With the essential amino acids and herbs such as ginseng, gingko biloba and rhodiola, this blend helps your body fight the detrimental effects of mental and physical stress.  Providing a significant edge in the fight against weight loss, this intricate combination of herbs ensures that deep health at the cellular level is maintained, resulting in a healthier weight loss.  MochaTonix is perfect for individuals who are on the go. Sometimes making the effort to lose weight can seem like one more overwhelming task.  However, with MochaTonix as a part of a healthy weight loss plan, one can rest assured that they are making good choices not only for their waistline, but for their overall well-being.

Does MochaTonix contain caffeine?
Yes, it contains 270 mg per serving

Does MochaTonix taste good?
Yes; it comes in three delicious flavors (Cappuccino, Vanilla and Chocolate Mocha). Just mix it with hot water in a blender, adding ice when preferred to create a tasty shake to increase well-being, concentration and energy all at the same time!

How do you use MochaTonix?
Dissolve one (1) level scoopful in 8 oz of hot water. For the best taste mix in a blender. 

If I simply take MochaTonix and maintain my current lifestyle, will I lose weight?
While Mochatonix does provide a headstart in the battle against obesity and stress, it is only a small part of a much bigger picture. Of course, there is a chance that one could use MochaTonix without changing their diet or physical activity level and perhaps notice minimal weight loss.  However, to achieve maximum weight loss and energy levels it is always best to couple supplementation with a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. The benefits of consistent exercise are innumerable and include an enhanced immune system, lowered stress, better mood and higher energy levels. MochaTonix, when combined with a healthier lifestyle – even if one makes small changes, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator – lays a solid foundation for creating optimal health and weight.

How does MochaTonix burn fat?
MochaTonix's advanced formula features patented ingredient Advantra Z® which helps to burn fat and increase physical performance. Advantra Z promotes lipolysis, the breakdown of fat, and thermogenesis, the production of body heat in muscle and fat. MochaTonix taps into the body's brown fat stores, which are the storehouses of fat tissues. Endurance exercise lasting longer than 30 minutes is thought to be the only way to extract this brown fat tissue, however it has been found that Citrus aurantium as found in Mochatonix has the ability to help the body utilize this fat.  The extract of citrus aurantium, in addition to synephrine, also contains tyramine and octopamine.  Citrus aurantium as a part of Mochatonix Advantra-Z is an agent containing beta agonists and has been reported to aid in weight and increases thermogenesis. Colker (1999) reported that in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study, that the subjects receiving a combination of Citrus aurantium, caffeine and St John's Wort, lost significant amounts of total body weight while on a strict diet with exercise. Those in the placebo and control groups who also were on the same restricted diet did not.  The loss of fat mass in the test group was significantly greater compared to the placebo and control groups. In a similar study performed on nine women, the subjects showed a mean of 0.94 kg lost during the first week when no product was given and 2.40 kg during the second week when a Citrus aurantium product was taken. Body weight losses were statistically greater during the second week compared to the first week. Since most clinicians would concur that the most weight loss should occur initially coinciding with a greater fluid loss during the first week, these differences are even more remarkable. Three studies reported increased metabolic rates when ingesting Citrus aurantium products as found in Advantra Z. At present, Citrus aurantium as a part of MochaTonix may be the best thermogenic substitute for ephedra. This product increases basal metabolism as it safely aids in the fight against obesity and fatigue.  MochaTonix works synergistically with several other powerhouse herbs and amino acids producing a team effort of unparalleled effectiveness.  Pivotal ingredients such as green tea, guarana, Acetyl-l-carnitine, yerba maté, ginsengs and rhodiola come together increasing fat mobilization, thermogenesis and stress support. 

What does MochaTonix do for brain health?
The amino acids L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine and taurine are necessary co-factors for brain health resulting in enhanced alertness, mood, concentration and neurotransmitter activity. The herb Gingko biloba is a potent tool in combating forgetfulness and encouraging mental clarity. It has been found to enhance blood circulation to the brain, alleviating cerebral insufficiency, improving alertness and memory, and combating stress. It also protects neurons at the cellular level.  Substances such as sugar, junk food and polluted air, when combined with a lack of detoxifying physical activity, result in huge amounts of stress in the body. Stress is directly linked with sickness as well as adrenal overload, which results in mental fogginess and general fatigue.  Rhodiola, ginsengs, gingko biloba and the B-vitamins lend a hand in the body's fight against stress, restoring balance to the mind and body.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Key Ingredients Found in MochaTonix®:

Advantra Z® (Standard 10 percent adrenergic amines, including synephrine, N-methyltyramine, hordenine, octopamine and tyramine from Citrus aurantium 30 mg) (Fruit)    300 mg
MochaTonix Advanced Formula features a patented ingredient, Advantra Z, that helps to burn fat and increase physical performance. Derived from the Chinese herb Citrus aurantium, Advantra Z promotes lipolysis, the breakdown of fat, thermogenesis and the production of body heat in muscle and fat.  By enhancing lipolysis and thermogenesis, Advantra Z prompts the body to accelerate fat loss. The effectiveness of Advantra Z comes from its ability to stimulate beta-3 adrenergic receptor types, one of four receptors in every cell that support and determine the body's response to adrenergic amines such as adrenalin and noradrenalin. It binds to beta-3 receptors and signals the fat cells to degrade stored fat. The adrenergic amines in Advantra Z also heighten the resting metabolic rate without affecting sensitive alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1 and beta-2 receptors that could initiate changes in blood pressure and cardiac function. Advantra Z, when used in tandem with a high protein intake and a moderate weight-training program, ensures that more amino acids are available to the body to incorporate into protein and build lean muscle mass. Advantra Z, when combined with exercise, can help to the body burn fat, build lean muscle mass, and increase physical performance. Not only does it provide additional energy, it can help the body use more efficiently the energy stored in fat.
Synephrine is the primary active compound found in the fruit of the Citrus aurantium plant. Synephrine, a component of citrus aurantium is chemically very similar to the ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine found in many OTC cold/allergy medications and in a number of weight loss and energy supplements.  Because synephrine is a natural stimulant, similar to caffeine, it is thought to have similar effects in terms of providing an energy boost, suppressing appetite, increasing metabolic rate and increasing caloric expenditure.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, zhi shi is used to help stimulate the Qi (energy force). Although synephrine and several other compounds found in zhi shi are structurally similar to ephedrine and are known to act as stimulants (via adrenergic activity), zhi shi does not appear to have the same negative central nervous effects of ma huang (ephedra). Through its stimulation of specific adrenergic receptors (beta-3, but not beta-1, beta-2 or alpha-1), zhi shi is theorized to stimulate fat metabolism without the negative cardiovascular side effects.  The extract of citrus aurantium, in addition to synephrine, also contains tyramine and octopamineOctopamine may be related in some way to appetite control, as it is thought to influence insect behavior by stopping bugs from eating the citrus fruit. 
Lipolysis and Thermogenic Support Blend:Guarana (standardized, 36 percent caffeine) (Seed), Green Tea Extract (Leaf) Yerba Maté (Ilex paraguariensis)
Guarana derives from the seeds of a South American shrub - most of which originates in Brazil. Traditional uses of guarana by natives of the Amazonian rain forest include mixing crushed seeds in foods and beverages to increase alertness and reduce fatigue. As a dietary supplement, guarana is an effective energy booster, as it contains about twice the caffeine found in coffee beans (about three to four percent caffeine in guarana seeds compared to one to two percent for coffee beans).  It enhances physical and mental performance, promoting weight loss and suppressing appetite.  The seeds of guarana are known to be rich in xanthines (caffeine) and have been widely used as a tonic in many South American countries, particularly Brazil. In studies which have determined the total xanthine content of guarana powder, caffeine content typically averages 30-50 percent (depending on the extract). Related compounds such as theobromine and theophylline are found at levels of one to three percent and, like caffeine, can be detected in the urine for up to nine days following guarana intake. Most of the scientific evidence on caffeine as a general stimulant and an aid to exercise performance shows convincingly that caffeine is effective.  When combined with other stimulant-type supplements such as Citrus aurantium, however, it appears that caffeine can extend the duration of action of the Citrus Aurantium in suppressing appetite and increasing caloric expenditure.

Green Tea Extract has been used medicinally for centuries in India and China. A number of beneficial health effects are related to regular consumption of green tea and dried/powdered extracts of green tea that are available in some dietary supplements. Green tea is prepared by picking, lightly steaming and allowing the leaves to dry. The active components in green tea are a family of polyphenols (catechins) and flavonols, which possess potent antioxidant activity. Several catechins are present in major quantities; epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG makes up around ten to 50 percent of the total catechin content and appears to be the most powerful of all the catechins, with antioxidant activity about 25-100 times more powerful than vitamins C and E.

Green Tea extract is reported to have positive effects including cardiovascular system support by normalizing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and blood clotting.  Recent studies have suggested that catechins may be important in promoting weight loss.

In some studies, green tea is associated with a mild increase in thermogenesis (increased caloric expenditure), which is generally attributed to its caffeine content. At least one study has shown that green tea extract stimulates thermogenesis to an extent that is much greater than can be attributed to its caffeine content - meaning that the thermogenic properties of green tea may be due to an interaction between its high content of catechin-polyphenols along with caffeine. A probable theory for the thermogenic effect of green tea is an increase in levels of norepinephrine - because catechin-polyphenols are known to inhibit catechol-O-methyl-transferase (the enzyme that degrades norepinephrine). One study examined this theory and the effect of green tea extract on 24-hour energy expenditure, in ten healthy men, who each consumed three treatments of green tea extract (50mg caffeine and 90mg epigallocatechin gallate), caffeine (50 mg) and placebo (at breakfast, lunch and dinner). The results of the study showed that, relative to placebo, the green tea extract resulted in a significant (four percent) increase in 24-hour energy expenditure (approximately 800 calories per day) and a significant increase in the body's use of fat as an energy source (24-h Respiratory Quotient). In addition, the 24-hour urinary norepinephrine excretion was 40 percent higher during treatment with the green tea extract than with the placebo. It is interesting to note that treatment with caffeine in amounts equivalent to those found in the green tea extract (50mg) had no effect on energy expenditure of fat oxidation, suggesting that the thermogenic properties of green tea it due to compounds other than its caffeine content alone.

Yerba Maté is an evergreen with white flowers and red fruit, found naturally only in South America. Its medicinal parts are the dried or roasted leaves, which have proven to be a rich source of caffeine. Yerba Maté contains xanthines, which are alkaloids in the same family as caffeinee, theophylline, and theobromine, well-known stimulants also found in coffee and chocolate. Yerba Maté also contains the chemical elements potassium, magnesium and manganese
Like coffee, Yerba Maté stimulates the central nervous system and has a diuretic effect. It also increases the force of heart contractions, affects heart rhythm, and breaks down sugars and fats in the body. It is largely used to fight fatigue. Also, Yerba Maté has been found to be helpful for heart palpitations and weakness. Yerba Maté has been said to promote a mental state of wakefulness, focus and alertness similar to that of most stimulants, but many often remark on Yerba maté's unique lack of the negative effects typically created by other similar compounds, such as anxiety, diarrhea, jitteriness and heart palpitations. Yerba maté creates a powerful synergistic treatment for mental and physical fatigue, and as a diuretic for flushing water from the body.
Noradrenalin Support Blend:
L-Phenylalanine, L-Tyrosine, Taurine, Glycine                         1550 mg

L-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.  The body cannot produce L-phenylalanine so it must obtain it from diet or supplements. The main dietary sources of L-phenylalanine are high protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. A significant dietary source may be through consumption of sugar-free products containing the artificial sweetener aspartame (Nutrasweet), which is formed by a combination of phenylalanine with another amino acid - aspartic acid. Amino acids come in two forms, designated as L- and D- forms. The L- form is the naturally occurring form in foods, whereas the D- form is the synthetic variety.

L-phenylalanine acts as an amino acid precursor boosting noradrenalin production, which in turn increases mental alertness.  It suppresses appetite by fighting the sugar crash that commonly follows a binge on sugar or coffee, which isn't at all uncommon. L-phenylalanine burns fat and maintains muscle and provides a steady energy boost throughout the day. Also, it increases feel good amines in the body, which is a great benefit for those on the run and dieting at the same time. These amines are helpful in lifting overall mood.  L-phenylalanine helps maintain nervous system health and can alter pain sensation.  In one study, L-phenylalanine supplements were able to elevate mood in 31 of 40 subjects suffering from depression. 

L-Tyrosine is an essential amino acid that the body cannot produce on its own so it must be obtained from external sources such as diet or supplementation. L-tyrosine is found naturally in all kinds of proteins. Dietary sources are primarily from animal and vegetable proteins. Vegetables and juices contain small amounts of the free amino acid. The free amino acid is also found in fermented foods like yogurt and miso (a soy product). L-tyrosine has an antidepressant activity that helps the brain to restore proper amounts of the catecholamines dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.  These are often lost due to stress on the body's adrenal system from a poor diet, an unhealthy lifestyle or other environmental factors.
Taurine is a nonprotein amino acid and is found in high amounts in the brain, retina, myocardium, skeletal and smooth muscle, platelets and neutrophils.  It is plentiful in the fluids of muscle, lungs and nerve tissue. Dietary taurine mainly comes from animal food sources. Taurine is also present, in lower levels, in plant food sources like seaweed. It is classified as an essential amino acid and aids micelle formation and fat absorption.  It's important in the hydration of the body and gives an energy boost by stimulating the cells' nutrient uptake as well as improves physical reaction time.  Further, it boosts mental alertness and enhances the ability to concentrate. Taurine also has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activities.  It supports healthy chlolesterol and blood pressure levels. It may also help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system while also delivering detoxifying activities. Studies suggest that taurine might improve glucose tolerance.